Compliance of RPR Products, Inc Products to Section 1605 of the ARRA Section 1605, called the “Buy American Clause”, of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) requires use of “American manufactured goods” for projects funded by the ARRA. RPR Products, Inc. certifies that the products below, purchased from RPR Products after January 2010, comply with Section 1605 (Buy American Clause) of the ARRA. • All aluminum pressed elbows and fittings • All stainless steel pressed elbows and fittings • All aluminum strapping and wing seals • All stainless steel wing seals • All painted aluminum (36” and 48” wide) • All acoustical loaded vinyl products Additional information related to some RPR products possibly not compliant to the ARRA: It has and is RPR Products, Inc. preference and policy to purchase raw materials from USA manufacturers when price, availability and quality permits. Some of our raw materials and products are of foreign origin and therefore, RPR Products Inc. cannot 100% certify that all of these products comply with section 1605 of the ARRA, even though “SUBSTANTIAL TRANSFORMATION” has taken place in our manufacturing facility. Stainless steel wire, hex mesh and screws are sourced globally, simply because of price, quality and availability. Upon inquiry/order placement, please inform the RPR Products, Inc. customer service account associate that the products you are requesting need to be USA made and must meet section 1605 of the ARRA. At that time, we will search our inventory or outsource a USA made product (if available) to meet your needs. Price, availability and minimums may apply in some cases. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact RPR Products, Inc. at 1-800-231-0149 |